34 weeks! I feel really good about this. Every week, I feel excited and happy to have reached another milestone. Then my mood kind of sours as the week drags on forever.
At my last appointment, I had a high BP reading for the first time ever in my life. “High” in pregnancy means in excess of 140/90. If you are either over 140 OR over 90, you are diagnosed with gestational hypertension. Now, to get a good BP reading, you are supposed to first sit for five minutes. I had not been sitting for five minutes, so the doctor re-took it, and it dropped from 130/90 (gestational hypertension) to normal. Thank God. If I am diagnosed with GH, the doctor told me she will induce at 37 weeks. High BP in pregnancy is not something to mess around with as it can be fatal in the worst case or have some nasty effects on both mom and baby. So if I did in fact develop high BP, I would go along with whatever the doctor recommended. However, I would strongly like to not be induced at 37 weeks. I’m worried about the baby’s readiness for birth that early – even a day or two in the NICU would be really hard, and you just never know. And I also worry that labor would be harder if my body wasn’t ready. (I was dilated to something like 4 cm at 36 weeks with my last baby, so probably my body would be ready, but still.)
The doctor asked me to cut sodium and start taking BP twice a day at home. If you’re keeping track, I’m now cutting carbs, sugar and salt, and taking blood sugar four times a day and BP twice a day. Working from home, it’s not that big of a deal, but yeah. I’ll be glad to return to regular life without all this for sure. (Ponder your diet for a minute and ask yourself what you could actually still eat if you cut carbs and salt. So many things have one or the other. Obviously, diabetes doesn’t mean cutting all carbs, but you have to be very vigilant. For example, the large honeycrisp apple I eat for lunch maxes or nearly maxes my carb allocation for that meal. When you add in the complication of pregnancy-induced heartburn, it gets even harder. I feel like an old person.)
The good news is that my sugar levels are excellent, and my BP has been very low at home. After the doctor’s visit, I was very concerned about BP, since it is so common in pregnancy, even more so if you have GD, and because it is very dangerous if it starts to climb. But I’ve concluded it was a false alarm caused by the stress of the doctor’s visit.
We gave away or sold a lot of our baby stuff after B. We didn’t know if we wanted another, and we knew we didn’t want one soon. We also have somewhat limited storage space in our house – if I could change one thing, I’d have a 3-car garage. My Dad raised me to always keep your cars in the garage, so I can’t bring myself to use half our 2-car garage for storage. Baby stuff takes up a lot of space! In any case, Amazon gives you a two-time 15% discount on purchases off your registry. I finally made the first of my two discounted purchases, buying a stroller, car seat, swing, some more nursing pads, and some other items. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear there was much agonizing over the stroller selection. I ended up buying an Uppababy Cruz, which was a bit of a splurge, but I’m kind of excited about it. It’s going to be like Christmas around here over the next couple of days.
In other news, the designer of the last quilt I made (with the hearts) asked if she could put my quilt in her newsletter. That kind of made my day!