Category Archives: Music


Great song.  I’ve been listening to it nonstop for the last couple of days.  #1 in Australia and at or near the top of the charts in the English speaking world, except in the US and Canada of course.  Here we’ve got Harry Styles, whoever that is.  But I love this song.

Of course, I think the original Blue by Eiffel 65 is one of the best songs ever written.  Blue reached #1 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Europe (as a whole), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, NZ, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.  It was at the top in Ireland for weeks and weeks.  It was an amazing thing when that song was played in an Irish nightclub.  But it never reached #1 in the US!  Why does the US have such poor music taste?

piano lesson update

Bri finished the final song of Book A of Alfred’s Prep Course, which is targeted at the “youngest” learners.  I’m proud of her!  I’ve spared her the metronome thus far, but I think she does a pretty good job keeping in time.

Alfred has about a million books at each level.  For B, I’m planning to buy the lesson book, the theory book, and the solo book.  For A, we did the lesson book and the Christmas book.  I think it’s helpful to have an additional book beyond the lesson book, just to slow the rate of new material and increase in difficulty a bit.  Since it’s not Christmas time, we’ll do the solo book this time.  I skipped the theory book for level A, in part because Bri couldn’t read when we started, but I think it’ll be helpful as we move on to level B.  We do have a few more Christmas songs to learn before we start the new book, though.

L has been continuing to play on her own, but I’m continuing to hold off on lessons for now, since swimming and school are taking up so much time.  I’m planning to restart lessons this summer, and hopefully we’ll make some good progress.