I ended up canceling my flights. I’m not going to Sacramento.
I am VERY ambivalent about my decision. I can never know if in my heart of hearts I’m doing it because I don’t feel like getting on an airplane.
But I’m still wheezy and snotty. And when I ran hard while sick in high school, I ended up with pneumonia, which it took me four months to recover from. I just don’t feel great right now.
And I still don’t have results back from the PCR test, which I took more than 24 hours ago. Why is testing STILL so slow here?
I wanted to go to CIM so I could run a “fast” marathon, sub-4 at least. If I can’t do that, much as I hate to say goodbye to the pricey entry fee, I’m not sure it’s worth trekking down there. There is another marathon on a couple weeks, albeit on a hilly course. I won’t do that one either if it’s too rainy. (I’ll run in light rain, but I won’t run 26 miles in steady rain. I have my limits.) But there are several options in January, including Houston and another one in CA. CIM is special, and I wanted to run it. Maybe I WILL run it next year. Maybe we’ll all be dead of some nasty Covid variant next year. Who knows.
For now, I’ll just sulk and feel lazy. At least I had the sense to buy changeable plane tickets and got a credit for those.